The Sound Palette Method

Inspiring your audience

Be Heard. Your voice is your identity. When you speak you make a Sound Statement to the outside world.

So, what is a sound Palette?

You may not be aware of it, but you have at your disposal a rich vocabulary of vocal sounds. Think different "tones of voice", bringing subtle power and meaning to your words.This unique and authentic "palette" is yours and yours only. Working together we'll uncover these different "colours" which you - the artist - may then apply, thick or thin, and combined as required, spontaneously and in the moment, ensuring that you always keep your listeners engaged.

Developing your unique Sound Palette simply means knowing that you can depend on your voice to give depth to your meaning and intention as you speak, and thereby to inspire your audience/listener. I have honed my Sound Palette Method into an online platform enabling me to give 1-on-1 vocal development training to speakers of all sorts, from stage presenters and (team) leaders to online coaches.


"The vocal colours have helped me immensely in handling various confrontations, resulting in very positive outcomes. I am much calmer in my approach and the affectivity of my communication has had a ripple effect on my team. I am more focused as a leader and am also more available to my team."    

Cornelle van Graan | Sara Lee

And how do we achieve this?

By connecting mind and body through vocal exercises.

Thanks to my career as a performing artist and teacher, I have a thorough knowledge of the technical aspects of vocalisation - I know how to create balance and flexibility in the voice.

25 years of experience working with top people in the business world has enabled me to discern in any individual the source of their particular character and power, and to help them develop and “own” it.


"Elise is great in helping you to find, even to unleash your voice. I recommend working with her."

Twan van de Kerkhof, Founder, European Leadership Platform/conference leader

Get a free consult

I’m offering you a 1-on-1, 20-minute consultation for free, to help you discover what you need to make the transition to Vocal Power and Presence. Looking forward to hearing from you, and to hearing your voice.

Elise Lorraine

"Re-connecting a client to their original, powerful vocal sound and seeing the confidence boost that it gives them makes my job the best in the world! The story begins here!"

Website by Ferdy Roozen
Photography by Sean Patrick Fagan

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